Jan 10, 2025

Helpful Tips and Resources to Plan for February's JDAIM

Author: Michelle steinhart
Blue and Gold Text with Jewish star and ribbons.

Happy New Year!  It is hard to believe that it is already time for us to start preparing for Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance, and Inclusion Month (JDAIM), which is fast approaching in February 2025! This is a time to shine a spotlight on the importance of including people with disabilities in every aspect of our community. JDAIM isn’t just about raising awareness; it’s about creating real change, breaking down barriers and making sure everyone feels valued. JDAIM is a call to action for us all to build more welcoming, inclusive spaces where everyone can thrive. 

Here are some ways to think about planning for JDAIM in your community:

  • Try something new in your classroom and/or community. Is there a form of differentiated instruction that you have learned about but haven’t tried just yet? Are there fidgets available in your spaces? Have you included messaging in your programming about why inclusion is important to your organization?  Now is a great time to pilot a program or technique.
  • JDAIM lesson plans are a great way to teach the importance of inclusion and what inclusion looks like at age-appropriate levels. Click here to download Matan’s JDAIM lesson plans.

  • Schedule a speaker to come in and deliver a presentation about disability inclusion and awareness.
  • Are people with disabilities coming to your events and services? Consider reaching out to people with disabilities to learn more about their needs. Let them know that their presence is important and they are missed when they are not there.
  • Consider labeling your food at Kiddush and other events for allergens.
  • Schedule a lunch-and-learn with a disability inclusion theme.
  • Call attention to your ongoing inclusion efforts in this month’s newsletter, on your organization’s website, from the Bimah, and/or in a Shabbat bulletin.

  • Remind people to donate to your own organization’s disability inclusion efforts, or select an organization to support for the month.

  • Deliver sermons with a focus on disability inclusion.
  • Tie inclusion themes into ongoing adult education classes.

Planning for JDAIM organically as part of ongoing community efforts can have a profound impact on all members. Think about events that are already on your organizational calendar and how they may be modified to be more inclusive.

If you would like to discuss these, or any other ideas, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Matan. Happy planning!

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