Jan 10, 2025

Matan Cohorts Engage in Impactful In-Person and Virtual Trainings

Authors: jennie Gates Beckman and Bethany Spector

Matan is proud of our two ongoing signature training programs: The Lieberman Fellowship for Jewish Organizations Serving Young Adults and The Matan Institute for Education and Youth Directors. 

The Lieberman Fellowship for Jewish Organizations Serving Young Adults

Made possible by the generosity of Eileen and Jerry Lieberman, our pilot cohort is being presented in partnership with the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington (JFGW) for organizations in the DC/Maryland/Northern Virginia (DMV) metro-area.

After an initial virtual launch of The Lieberman Fellowship, nearly 40 individuals joined us at the JFGW offices in Rockville, MD for our first in-person training day on November 14 for a full day of engaging learning. Team members from the nine organizations represented a wide range of roles, including professional staff members, lay leadership, young adult engagement professionals, inclusion specialists, and program participants with disabilities and/or chronic illness. Each team’s assigned Matan mentor was present to learn alongside them and contribute to the rich discussions in the room.

Content for the day covered a variety of important topics, including an accessibility scavenger hunt, young adult inclusion audit, an employment panel and dedicated time for fellows to meet in their mentor groups to share challenges and aspirations. The group was privileged to learn from inclusion experts and self-advocates alike – including Rabbi Ruti Regan, Meredith Polsky, Aaron Kaufman and Liz Weintraub. 

One participant relfected, “Rabbi Ruti’s perspective on vulnerability and trust with inclusion and  accessibility was phenomenal.” Another shared their experience included “lots of aha moments.”

The cohort came together with Rabbi Ruti once more for a webinar in early December to explore the intricacies of accommodations and accessibility. Prior to the next in-person training in February, each individual team will meet with their mentors to take what they have learned and use it to craft short and long-term goals for improving inclusive practices.  

Picture of 40 people standing in a large group in front of a piece of art
woman in a training session speaking using a microphone seated at a table
two people look at a chart on the wall while glancing down at their paper

The Matan Institute For Education and Youth Directors 

Mazal Tov to the members of Cohort 14 of the Matan Institute, who recently joined our expansive alumni network. 

  • Rebecca Hirschwerk – Reconstructionist Synagogue of the North Shore (NY)
  • Rebekah Lillianthal – Gottesman RTW Academy (NJ)
  • Rabbi Jeremy Ruberg – Temple Emanu-El (NJ)
  • Rebecca Skowron – Park Avenue Synagogue (NY) 
  • Dafna Spear – Congregation B’nai Israel (MD)
  • Abigayle Stoetzer – Queens Hillel (NY)
  • Rabbi Cheryl Stone – Congregation B’nai Israel (MD)
  • Sue Weiner – Congregation Kol Emet (PA)

In December, participants and mentors came together with Matan’s professional staff for the concluding multi-day training in New York. Participants heard from several experts in the field, shared their Inclusion Impact Projects, and reflected upon their experience in the cohort.

The Matan Institute is a one-of-a-kind opportunity in disability inclusion training tailored to the specific needs of director-level Jewish educators. Participation in this nearly year-long program truly reflects their commitment to continuous learning and professional growth in the area of disability inclusion.

Cohort 15 launches on Sunday, and we look forward to introducing you to the cohort members in our next quarterly newsletter!

Members of cohort 15 lined up smiling for a picture with Matan logo.

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